Name Time Description Speakers
Doors Open, Check-In, and Breakfast7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Welcome to the first ScienceLogic Tech Connect of 2024. We're so excited you're here. Come check-in first then be sure to grab some coffee and breakfast. Remember, its the most important meal of the day.

Opening Remarks, Introductions, and Housekeeping8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Let's get things rolling with a few introductions. Join the ScienceLogic staff and your fellow attendees for a quick once-over of the action-packed day before you. A Tech Connect is an interactive experience! We won't be talking at you, we'll be talking with you. Get ready. Get set. Go!

ScienceLogic Product Roadmap9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

ScienceLogic SL1, Restorepoint, and Zebrium. Our product portfolio has evolved over the last few years, and it’s not always easy to keep up with the news. Let’s see what features and product updates we worked on in the past year, what we're planning for the relatively near future, and what's coming over the more distant horizon.

Using Generative AI to Shape the Future of AIOps and Observability9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Our industry is quickly moving toward the use of Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), and ScienceLogic isn't sitting idle! During this session, we'll provide an overview and demo of what we're building and how it'll transform the future of AIOps and Observability. You’ll learn ScienceLogic’s AI vision, our secret sauce and how we're differentiating our technology, and get a sneak peak at what we’re building. This is a session you don't want to miss.

Refreshment Break10:15 AM - 10:30 AM 
TDC Erhverv Customer Story10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

A Customer case study and a chance to ask questions from lessons learnt and value achieved.

Service-Centric Operations: Best Practices to Get Started and Transform IT Operations 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Transformation from reactive infrastructure management to proactive service management will change people, processes, and technology. But what is a service, anyway? In this session you’ll learn about what's driving the transition to service-centric operations, what a service is, and best practices for getting started. We’ll also cover your options for building services and how to measure organizational impact.

Harden the SL1 Foundation: Oracle Linux 8 Platform Conversion 11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Discover the value and benefits you’ll gain from upgrading your SL1 platform to the Oracle Linux 8 (OL8) operating system. During this session we’ll outline the conversion timeline and requirements, security and performance benefits, each OL8 conversion use case, and how to complete the conversion yourself or get ScienceLogic to assist. 

Lunch12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Time to grab some fuel for the second half of the day.

KPN Customer Story1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

A Customer case study and a chance to ask questions from lessons learnt and value achieved.

Fundamentals of SL1 PowerFlow Automation: SyncPacks, Apps, Steps, and Configurations1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

IT automation can help solve and ease your daily operational challenges. This session dives into the fundamentals of how SL1 PowerFlow enables rapid automation of your IT landscape. We’ll teach you our extensible and re-usable framework for building applications, SyncPacks, steps, and configurations, and we'll cap it all off with a look at how our low-code application builder democratizes automation in your existing vendor ecosystem and in SL1.

How to Unlock Your Full Potential and Get the Most Out of ScienceLogic2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

An update on ScienceLogic University (or SL1 Academy), support best practices, tips to get the most from Nexus, and a chance to provide feedback and hear what other SL1 users are saying.

Refreshment Break2:30 PM - 2:45 PM 
Realdolmen Customer Story2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

A Customer case study and a chance to ask questions from lessons learnt and value achieved.

Breakout Sessions3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

-Hands-on Live Demo Session
-Logician's Corner (Ask the Expert)
-Nexus Networking
-Joint Marketing Opportunities
-Gartner Peer Insights (GPI) Reviews

Realising Success Together with Advisory Services4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

A chance to hear from the ScienceLogic Advisory Services Team across a range of topics such as Journey Mapping, Integrations, Event & Incident Tuning, Automations and Value Assessments.

SL1 Studio: Device Onboarding Made Easy! 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

In our final session of the day, you’ll be introduced to the SL1 Studio suite of low-code / no-code tools. These tools enable you to create dynamic applications outside the SL1 platform, connect to and pull data from REST-based devices, and perform quality checks on your custom-built PowerPacks. We’ll cover how to locate the SL1 Studio page, each toolkit and its usage, how to perform quality checks utilizing the PowerPack Quality Assessment Tool, and the SL1 Studio roadmap.

Panel Session: Closing Remarks + Q&A5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Come late afternoon we'll wrap things up and put a little bow on it. It's been a long day, but there's still more to come. Next up, happy hour. 

Networking Reception6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Need to head home? No worries, we get it. Not ready for the day to end? Join us for happy hour! Get ready for some first-rate mingling and delicious beverages to cap off an awesome day of learning.